Jt, 50 -vuotias., Yhdysvallat, Dallas
Viimeinen käynti:
Vastaa: 56%
Pääasialliset tiedot
Etunimi: Jt
Ikä: 50
Paikkakunta: Yhdysvallat, Dallas
Horoskooppi: Jousimies
Paino: 95kiloa
Pituus: 188senttimetriä
Silmien väri: Vihreät
Hiusten väri: Tumman ruskea
Vartalotyyppi: Normaalipainoinen
Sinun keholla on: Arpia
Tupakoinnin määrä: Ei koskaan
Juomatottumukset: Ei koskaan
Minun aktiviteetti tyyppini: Haluan nukkua pitkään aamulla
Seuraavien tietojen kera:
Englanti Sujuva
Espanja Vaatimaton
Sivilisääty: Sinkku
Haluaa lapsia: Päättämättä
Suostutko muuttamaan?:
Voisin jäädä kotikaupunkiini
Minulle tärkeät asiat elämässä:
Perhe, pitkäaikainen suhde
Henkinen kasvu
Tasaisuus, turvallisuus
Tuloni: Isot tulot
Kiinteistössäni: Auto
Missä asut?: Minulla ei ole omaa kotia
Mitä ajattelet matka- ja tapaamiskustannuksista: Molempien pitäisi maksaa omansa
Koulutus: Yliopisto/korkeakoulu
Ammattititteli: Muu
Uskonto: Kristitty
Ikä: 25 - 40
Maa: Länsi-eurooppa, Itä-eurooppa, Pohjois-amerikka, Latinalainen Amerikka, Aasia, Australia
Paino: 40.86 - 74.91 kiloa
Pituus: 160 - 191 senttimetriä
Silmien väri: Mikä tahansa
Hiusten väri: Punainen, Musta, Vaalea, Keskivaalea, Vaalean ruskea, Tumman ruskea
Onko OK, että heillä on lapsia?: Kyllä
Vartalotyyppi: Hoikka, Normaalipainoinen, Muutama liikakilo, Ohut, Urheilullinen
Tupakoi: Ei koskaan
Juo: Välillä (sosiaalisesti)
Kumppanin syntyperä: Mikä tahansa
Harrastukset ja kiinnostuksen kohteet
Mielipiteeni puutarhanhoidosta?
Ei ois apu pahitteeksi
Mielipiteeni ruokashoppailusta
Mieluummin kokkaan kuin näännyn
Mielipiteeni muusta shoppailusta
En välitä
Suhtautumiseni kokkaukseen
Kokkaan mielummin kuin näännyn
Ulkona käymiseni määrä
Kerran viikossa
Suhtautumiseni ulkona syömiseen
Nautin siitä
Mitä televisioon tulee
Katson elokuvia
Rahasta puhuttaessa
Osaan käyttää ja osaan säästää
Kuvaile itseäsi bileissä
Se vähän riippuu... Onko minut kutsuttu?
Mitä kotiini tulee
Aina siisti vieraita varten
Haluaisin asua
Omakotitalo esikaupunkialueella
Mieltymykset kotieläimiin
En omista mutta rakastan Koiria, Kaloja, Lintuja
Minkälaisista televisio-ohjelmista pidät kaikkein eniten?
Scifi, Urheilu, Uutiset, Luonto, Mysteeri/thrilleri, Peliohjelmat, Filmit, Opetus, Draama, Dokumentit, Komedia, Piirretyt, Toiminta/seikkailu
Käytän mieluiten vapaa-aikani
Lounastaen ystävän kanssa, Perheen parissa, Tekemättä yhtikäs mitään, Vieraillen museossa tai galleriassa, Harjoittaa harrastusta, Tarjoutua vapaaehtoiseksi, Katsoa televisiota tai elokuvaa, Menemällä kävelylle, Luonnossa
Aktiviteetit joista pidän
Veneily, Retkeily, Kalastaminen, Patikointi, Laskettelu/lumilautailu, Moottorikelkkailu, Uinti, Kävely, Vesihiihto
Urhelulajit joiden katsomisesta/harrastamisesta nautin
Pesäpallo, Koripallo, Keilailu, Sukellus, Extreme-lajit, Jalkapallo, Olympialaiset
Viihteen muodot joista nautin
Lautapelit, Konsertit, Tikanheittopelit, Elokuvat, Museo/taiteet, Country-musiikki, Jazz-musiikki, Rock-musiikki, Netissä surffailu, Tv:n asiaohjelmat/uutiset, Tv-viihde, Videopelit
Muut harrastukset tai kiinnostukset
Antiikki, Autot, Keräily, Käsityöt, Koirat, Perhe/Lapset, Kodin kehittäminen, Filosofia/Henkisyys, Valokuvaus, Sosiaalinen vaikutus/Aktivismi, Matkustelu, Vapaaehtoistyö
Vastaukset joihinkin kysymyksiin
Miten kuvailisit itseäsi?
**Attn to all the wonderful,beautiful ladies on here**

Due to the situation with Russia/Ukraine and the US banning transactions as such, this site has pretty much lost all options for us in the USA to pay for a membership*
I have tried every option they list for payment, and since I am in the US, it says "they will not allow transactions from anyone in the US."
*Thank you to all the lovely ladies who have sent me messages, unfortunately until this situation is resolved and another payment option is re-instated, I have no way to pay for membership to see the letters you sent 🙁 I promise to reply to you as soon as I am able  *
tooloud, the underscore symbol, and the number one, at the place that sounds like hot mail, if you can figure it out.

Love and Peace to all. Praying for a peaceful resolution to the situation with Russia and Ukraine.

I'm very loving and affectionate. I am outgoing, and love being around people. I am close to my family and friends, and loyal to them. I can be counted on,and follow through when I say I am going to do something. I love music of all types,and enjoy going to movies with friends. I am adventurous, and enjoy outside activities when it is nice, travelling, and taking road trips. I want to give my love to someone, and meet my future best friend and soul mate perhaps it is you.
Miten kuvailisit omaa ihannekumppaniasi?
I will know when we talk, this question really is too broad. I think you just know when you know. I imagine It is when all you can think about is that person, and how they make your life more fulfilled and complete, you can't imagine living your life without them, then you know you have found the one. She would strive to make you a better person, and be supportive of you, because you are one team together, and besides being your mate and lover, also be your best friend. She would realize the importance of Family and Faith, and have a loving, nurturing, and accepting personality. I know she exists, she is out there  
Jos tietäisit maailmanlopun koittavan 30 päivässä, mitä tekisit?
I would make sure my family and friends knew how much I love them and spend as much time with them as possible. I do not fear death, for I know I have salvation through Jesus Christ, and know where I am going when my time comes.
Jos sinulla olisi 10 miljoonaa dollaria säästössä, mitä tekisit sillä?
I would travel the world to see some places I have always wanted to see, buy some things for me and my parents, and donate to some causes I support.
Kuinka usein ja keneltä sinä kysyt neuvoa?
My parents, I am close to them and value their opinion. Out of my friends though, alot of them come to me for advice. I do have a best friend that I am close to that lives in Israel, we give advice often to each other, I consider him my "brother from another mother", which is a common U.S. saying of someone who you feel is like your family, a brother or a sister as it were, even though they are not blood related, nor family in that sense, they still are loved and accepted as if they were blood related to you.
Mitä ominaisuutta arvostat eniten oman sukupuolesi ihmisissä?
Honesty. I have a few friends as opposed to a large group of them, but the ones I do have I have known a long time and trust them. Trust is a big trait with me to have in any of my friends, and reliability they are there when you need them.
Mitä ominaisuutta arvostat eniten vastakkaisessa sukupuolessa?
Probably their heart and spirit. I rather have a kind person, who has a beautiful heart and spirit anyday. Personality and a caring heart is most important to me.
Mikä on elämässäsi merkittävä viimeaikojen tapahtuma ja miten se on vaikuttanut sinuun?
This question simply could not be answered on a small window such as this.
Mikä on tärkein neuvo jonka annat lapsillesi?
Be good and kind to others , treat others with value and respect and how you would want to be treated. Be honest with people, don't lie, obey the law, respect your elders, work hard, nothing in life is given to you, be good representatives of your family name and what that means to your family. Don't disrespect your family name.
Mikä on tuottanut kaikkein suurimman vaikutuksen (shokin) sinulle?
How negative the world is today, as people instead of improving and making progress, we seem to have done the opposite. This is just my view as a American man and what I experience, but I still think the world as a whole should strive more for peace than anything else. I see a lot of pain and heartache right now, and we are not going in a positive direction like we should be. Love is the answer.
Viimeisimmät lukemasi kirjat?
I am not really a book reader, never enjoyed it really. I read mainly reflection type books on Faith, and true story type of books about a good story.
Mitkä ovat tämänhetkiset tavoitteesi?
I would like to be married in the next few years, still be healthy and active, have a home and Job I enjoy. The usual things.
Ketä ihailet?
My Parents, and brother.
Onko sinulla paljon ystäviä?
I have a few very close friends.
Mitä ominaisuuksia eniten inhoat omassa sukupuolessasi?
Arrogance, selfishness, close minded types, dishonesty, shallow, materialistic.
Mitä ominaisuuksia eniten inhoat vastakkaisen sukupuolen ihmisissä?
Pretty much the same as the ones for men. Vanity, materialistic types, drug users, heavy alcohol users, rudeness.
Mitä haluaisit muuttaa itsessäsi?
I don't focus on Negatives, God made me how I am, so I embrace me just as I am and am happy with who I am. I think we all have things we strive to work on every day, what is most important is focusing on how you treat others and being happy with the person you are.
Mitkä ovat heikkoutesi?
In the past, it was that sometimes I was too trusting, I try to see the good in all people, and believe that deep down most people want to be a good person, sometimes people can take advantage of that. I am a little more cautious now though when meeting strangers.
Mitkä ovat vahvuutesi?
Hard worker, trusting, loving, independent, communication ,affectionate, honesty.
Kuinka ystäväsi kuvailevat sinua?
I get told all the time that people feel very at ease with me right away, even if just meeting me for the first time. I enjoy being around people, people feel they can trust opening up to me. I get told that I am kind of a "old soul ", very trusting, and good at reading people and situations, and offering good advice.
Kuinka tuttavuutesi kuvailevat sinua?
Don't know.
Mitkä ovat suosikkipelejäsi?
Too long to list, I played board games as a kid that are popular still here in the U.S., but not sure it would be known about outside the U.S.
Ketkä ovat suosikeitasi kirjoituksessa ja runoudessa?
Minkälaisesta musiikista pidät?
I have a wide interest in music, too vast to mention on here, I am always discovering new artists and songs that I can enjoy or relate to in some way. Music is very therapeutic to me.
Mikä on lempiruokasi?
Primarily American type dishes. I cannot be too adventurous of a eater due to certain food allergies I have.
Mitkä ovat suosikkielokuviasi?
Again, this list would take forever to list. I like many different types, Documentary and Action are some favorites, along with comedies.
Mikä on suosikkisatusi?
Dr. Seuss
Mikä on suosikkiaktiviteettisi tai -harrastuksesi?
I am a active Bowler, and have been bowling for close to 28 years. I also enjoy playing Pinball machines,and playing those and old-school actual arcade games. I like games, and anything that gets my competitive juices going, but can also have fun with it when out with friends. I like a adventure.
Mikä on unelmatyösi?
My dream job would be to retire young, and travel the world  
Kerro meille unelmiesi kumppanista.
Perhaps you are reading this :0)

Don't wait and say Hi Already ;0)
Missä haluat asua?
I prefer to live in the U.S. ,or If I had a option either Colorado, or the U.S. Virgin Islands (most beautiful place I have been)
I know there are beautiful places all over this wonderful planet, but I love living where I do, and am unable to relocate outside my country.
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