To appreciate the present moment and everything you have now. To rely on yorself.
Hva har gjort det største inntrykket (sjokk) på deg?
The site from the top of the mountain Ay-Petri in the Crimea.The sunset in Sahara. When I jumped from 6 meter high rock into the sea for the first time. The first immersing with an aqualung.
Siste boken du leste?
Carlos Castaneda " Journey to Ixtlan "
Hvordan er dine fremtidsutsikter nå?
To learn dancing the belly-dance
Har du mange venner?
I have a lot of friends, but there are only two true friends
Hvordan ser venner på deg?
the sympathetic, kindhearted, romantic, optimistic
"The Cuckoo"(A. Rohozhkin), "Love Actually","Meet with Joe Black","Scent of a Woman","The Wedding"(P.Lungin), "The Bucket List", "Табор уходит в небо", "Amelie", " The Departed", "Good Will Hunting"
Hva er ditt favoritt eventyr?
The fairy-tails of Bazhov , "The Chronics of Narnia", "Mary Poppins" , "The Tales of Uncle Remus"