Mun, 63 ans., États-Unis, Brooklyn
Dernière visite:
Taux de réponse: 59%
Renseignements principaux
Prénom: Mun
Age: 63
Lieu: États-Unis, Brooklyn
Signe du Zodiaque: Verseau
Poids: 66kg
Taille: 165cm
Couleur des yeux: Marron
Couleur des cheveux: Noir
Morphologie: Dans la moyenne
Avec quelle fréquence fumez-vous?: Jamais
Avec quelle fréquence buvez vous?: Occasionnellement (socialement)
Avec informations:
Avez-vous des enfants?:
10 ans. garcon, vivant à la maison
Français 2 (peut tenir une conversation simple)
Etat civil: Divorcé(e)
Je veux des enfants: Oui
Etes vous mobile ?:
J'accepte la mobilité dans mon pays
J'accepte la mobilité à l'étranger
Vos priorités dans la vie:
Fonder une famille, relations durables
Esprit équilibré
Expression personnelle artistique
Croissance spirituelle
Vos revenus: Revenus de bon niveau
Chez moi: Une maison / un pavillon, Une voiture
Ou vivez vous ?: Maison / pavillon individuel
Que pensez vous des dépenses de voyages et de rencontres: J'accepte de payer
Education: Diplôme d'études supérieures
Fonction: Informaticien
Quelle religion pratiquez-vous?: Spirituel mais non religieux
Mon (ma) partenaire
Age: 35 - 50
Pays: Сe n'est pas important
Poids: 40.86 - 83.99 kg
Taille: 122 - 208 cm
Couleur des yeux: Сe n'est pas important
Couleur des cheveux: Сe n'est pas important
Acceptez vous qu'il y ait des enfants?: Oui
Morphologie: Сe n'est pas important
Origine ethnique correspondante: Сe n'est pas important
Passe-temps et autres intérêts
En ce qui concerne la TV
Je ne l'allume pas
En ce qui concerne l'argent
J'en dépense un peu et j'en garde un peu
Pour m'occuper durant les soirées
Observateur impartial
A quel point aimez-vous le jardinage?
J'aime le jardinage
Aimez-vous le shopping alimentaire ?
A quel point aimez-vous les autres types de shopping?
Je hais
Aimez-vous faire la cuisine?
Idéalement je voudrais vivre dans
Maison à la campagne
Quelle est la fréquence de vos sorties?
2 fois par semaine
Aimez-vous dîner à l'extérieur du foyer?
J'aime beaucoup
Je garde mon espace
Ce n'est pas la perfection mais presque
Mes animaux domestiques
Je n'ai pas, mais je les aime Les chats, Les chiens
Quels types de programmes télévisés aimez-vous le plus regarder?
Sport, Nature/vie sauvage, Éducatif, Drame, Documentaire, Affaires courantes/débats
Comment aimez-vous utiliser votre temps libre
Faire quelque chose d'athlétique, S'installer avec un bon livre, Aller déjeuner avec un ami, Passer du temps avec sa famille, S'adonner au jardinage, Visiter un musée ou une galerie, Suivre un cours, S'adonner à un passe-temps, Balades dans la nature, Aller danser en boîte de nuit
Activités que vous aimez
Bateau/voile, Camping, Randonnée, Danse, Autre, Jogging/courir, Promenade à la montagne, Ski/snowboard, Marche
Sports que vous aimez regarder et/ou pratiquer
Cricket, Sports extrêmes, Sports olympiques, Football, Squash/racquetball
Formes de divertissement que vous aimez
Concerts, Dîner spectacle, Evènements de mode, Gastronomie, Musées/arts, Musique classique, Musique country, Musique Jazz/R, Poésie, Lire
Autres hobbies ou intérêts que vous avez
Antiquité, Collectionner, Ecriture créative, Familles/enfants, Cuisine gastronomique, Placement, Actualités/politique/événements, Peinture, Philosophie/spiritualité, Causes sociales/activisme
Réponses à quelques questions
Comment vous décririez-vous?
Perchance to dream, perchance to wake. Searching for a serious relationship with a soulful/serious/fun/funny/intelligent/sexy woman. Why is this so hard? No limits on distance but hopefully I can visit you. Do believe that a woman's inner flame is what makes her radiant. My inner core is supported by four sacred pillars of music, food, sensuality, and books. enjoy long kisses and long massages. Other interests change with the season but currently include traveling, camping, wood-working, skiing, tennis. Want to add tango, dress-making, gardening, cross-country biking to the mix. Recently went on a Frida Kahlo kick. I am interested in all forms of creativity and especially love music(most magical and soulful of all the arts). I am a thinker of sorts and tend to thrive on stimulation. I love cooking and love to experiment with something new at every tryst. Also have a weakness for great wine and desserts. Am not the unbearably practical type but must say that I am part of the real world (even if it is sometimes unreal). Even though searching and experiencing life will continue as long as I live, I will always have both feet on terra firma. Love animals and kids (especially naughty ones).
Also, I believe in the world-- amazed at its beauty and diversity. Do want to address some of our world problems and do not mind starting with myself. Personal fantasies include writing a libretto, starting a recording studio, starting a school on a farm and making love while surfing. Ok, this profile reflects a me that is not always seen. In person, I am funny sarcastic (but not mean) and something of a goofball when relaxed. If you are a smug self-satisfied "professional" I will either ignore you or try to poke your veneer. I tend to look at the external world as an endless stream of impossibly balanced absurdities. Perhaps thats why the inner world is so important to me. Also, the older I get, the more
I need Nature. Currently, I work as a computer consultant in USA but I am not physically tied to it. I would prefer to be tied to a good woman rather than a good country. Future plans include starting a business that specializes in combining education with entertainment.

oh, i should say, i had a short unhappy marriage to an incompatible russian woman. luckily, the divorce was good and it helped me and her. we are co-parenting & co-operating
to make sure our young son has a happy, healthy life. my bad marriage did not destroy my dreams. i am still yet another wistful romantic camping on the hollowed out hull of hope. i have 50% custody of sweet young son. He is a very important part of my life.
i love all children. so i will treat your children as well as you (or better!).
Comment décririez-vous votre partenaire idéal?
I am still romantic and i am still looking for my soul-mate. Yes, I believe in Love. I am not looking for a cook or cleaning lady! Maybe she will be a sensual, responsible woman 35-50. hopefully, she loves children.. and maybe she has her own!
she should be comfortable with living in USA, Russia, Costa Rica, France, India, England. Preferably, she is divorced and understands
marriage and its limitations but also realizes it potential for empowerment and growth.

I NEED 4 QUALITIES in a woman:
(A) and (B) do not usually mix; and (C) and (D) are rare together too. so i know it will be difficult for me to find a suitable
partner -- but i will keep trying. i only need one woman!
of course, a good heart is more important than (A,B,C,D) but that is even more difficult to find.
let me be ridiculous and ask for more... she could be in tune with arts, in tune with nature, REAL. real is sexy, real is beautiful. not obsessed with society. excited by new ideas, new games, new books, new cultures, new recipes. creative outside bedroom.... creative in bedroom. energetic outside bedroom. energetic in bedroom. a great kisser!! enjoys giving and receiving massage (forgive me for being so blunt!). she is not selfish. she is not too practical... dreamers are fun. Tantra learner or practitioner? Usually, I forgive (or overlook) most quirks and weaknesses. Except for selfishness which I consider the negation of being.
smile. Lifelong passion for growth? Love all forms of creativity? Love to travel? wants to learn English. wants to teach me russian. want to share your favorite books or cds or poems with me?
Si c'était la fin du monde dans 30 jours que feriez-vous?
sing a song. and massage a loved one.
Si vous aviez 10 millions d'Euros que feriez-vous?
start an orphanage. of course, would want to do that anyway (without 10 million)
Demandez-vous souvent un avis et à qui?
not often. life is my teacher.
Quelles sont les qualités que vous aimez le plus chez les personnes de votre sexe?
generosity, honesty, curiosity
Quelles qualités appréciez-vous le plus chez les personnes du sexe opposé?
empathy, curiosity, passion, sensual curiosity, honesty, shared interests or dreams, intellectual
Quel évènement récent vous est arrivé dans votre vie?
.... need to improve my human relations skills ...need to become more empathatic
Le principal conseil que vous donneriez à votre enfant?
always be true to yourself. and try to help others when you can.. and have as much fun as you can.
Qu'est ce qui vous a provoqué la plus grosse impression (choc)?
how short life is!!!!!!!!!!!!
how quickly my son grew up..my sweet little baby has become a sweet little boy.
Le dernier livre que vous ayez lu?
open veins of latin america; biography of sylvia path; Upanishad; biography of Churchill; pale fire (nabokov), various poetry anthologies; Antony and Cleopatra(Shakespeare); sex matters (osho); multi-orgasmic couple (mantik chia). A PATH WITH HEART (Jack Kornfield). man who knew infinity (biography of mathematical genius, ramanajun)
Quels sont vos buts actuellement?
1. make sure my son has good friends and good education.
2. try to make my talents and abilities come alive. still want to become a film-maker and educationist (teacher or something similar).
3. help less fortunate peopple.
Qui admirez-vous?
not many ; most successful people are not very nice.
the great indian spiritual leaders however are intriguing. in particular, i like the way
tagore lived. unending creativity and sweet beauty. i loved his quote 'every child is
proof that god has not given up on humanity'. i think spirituality is necessary for life
but it should be natural and not forced. i am not particularly indian but i like
indian philosophy. as i get older, i find myself respecting and appreciating buddhist monks.
Avez-vous beaucoup d'amis?
america is not a good place for friends. so, i only have a few that I value and cherish.
my life in england, india tells me that other countries are happier than usa.
Quelles sont les défauts que vous aimez le moins chez les personnes de votre sexe?
Quelles sont les défauts que vous aimez le moins chez les personnes du sexe opposé?
Que voudriez-vous changer en vous?
learn to live in the present (i tend to look at past and future). learn to enjoy simple pleasures of life.
Mes défauts
too intellectual, too analytical
Mes qualités
compassion, passion, curiosity, likes to help others, intellectual, creative cook, i like to give massage. i love women and children and animals
Comment mes amis me perçoivent?
kind, sympathetic, critical, generous, helpful
Comment mes connaissances me perçoivent?
Mes jeux favoris
cricket, tennis,
want to learn to surf (soon!)
Mes auteurs et poètes favoris
shakespeare!! , plato!! robert burns, chekov, conrad, tony Kushner, arundati roy, nabokov, john fowles, thomas hardy,
Ma musique préférée
all!. classical (mozart, beethoven, dvorjak, shostakovich, tchaikovsky), opera (verdi, mozart, puccini) , rock (beatles, queen, band, traffic), soul, country , jazz, indian, african. etc i love all music when it is played from heart.
Ma nourriture préférée
indian, thai, italian, french
Mes films préférés
childen of paradise, ran, sleuth, gypsies are free (Russian)

I don't watch too many movies..because most are awful.
Mes contes de fée préférés
Mon passe-temps favori
music, tennis, massage, cooking, tantric love-making, skiing, tango
Le travail dont je rêve
film-maker, educator
Le/la partenaire dont je rêve
intellectual, sensual, artistic, humanitarian, kind, fun, tango-partner
L'endroit où j'ai envie de vivre
california or new mexico (usa), london, paris, provence (france), goa (india), bangalore(india).
i have lived for 20 years in New York City area -- i am now tired of it and need go somewhere that is more natural.
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