Ashley, 57 anni, Canada, Calgary
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Percentuale di risposta: 8%
Informazioni principali
Nome: Ashley
Età: 57
Località: Canada, Calgary
Segno zodiacale: Capricorno
Peso: 84kg
Altezza: 183cm
Colore degli occhi: Marrone
Colore dei capelli: Castano scuro
Fisico: Peso medio
Ogni quanto fumi: Mai
Ogni quanto bevi: Di tanto in tanto(in compagnia)
Il tuo tipo di attività: Non importa
Con dettagli:
Verifica telefonica
Stato coniugale: Single
Vorresti avere figli?: Non ho ancora deciso
Sei d'accordo per trasferirti?:
Sono d'accordo di stare nella mia città
Sono d'accordo di trasferirmi nel mio paese
Sono d'accordo a trasferirmi in un altro paese
Vostra priorità nella vita:
Famiglia, relazione a lungo termine
Auto-espressione artistica
In mio possesso: Casa / villa, Automobile
Dove vivi?: Casa indipendente / villa
Istruzione: Istruzione universitaria
Professione: Uomo/donna d'affari
Che religione professi?: Non pratico
Il mio partner
Età: 34 - 42
Paese: Indifferente
Colore degli occhi: Indifferente
Colore dei capelli: Indifferente
Va bene se hanno figli?: Si
Fisico: Slanciato, Peso medio, Muscoloso, Alcuni chili di troppo, magro, atletico
Fumo: Mai
Bevande alcoliche: Di tanto in tanto(in compagnia)
Etnia della partner: Bianco / Europea, Indiano dell'India, Spagnolo/Latino-americano, Medio orientale, Sudamericano
Hobby e interessi
Mi tengo il mio spazio
Sempre pulita per gli amici
Ti piace mangiare fuori?
Mi piace
Quanto spesso ti piace uscire?
Due volte per settimana
Ti piace fare shopping?
Non ho niente in contrario
Ti piace comprare da mangiare?
Me la cavo
Ti piace il giardinaggio?
Mi strapiace il giardinaggio
Ti piace cucinare?
Devo cucinare
Durante le feste sono
Preferirei abitare in
casa in periferia
Interesse per gli animali domestici
Non ce l'ho, ma amo Gatti, Cani
Che programmi televisivi preferisci guardare?
Fantascienza, Natura, Cinema, Programmi educativi, Tragico, Documentario, Commedia
Passo il tempo libero
Praticando atletica, Leggendo qualche libro interessante, Pranzando con un amico, Con la famiglia, Facendo lavori in giardino, Visitando un museo o una galleria, Praticando il mio hobby, Guardando la TV oppure andando al cinema per vedere un film, Facendo una passeggiata, Con gli amici, A contatto con la natura, Giocando al computer, Navigando in Internet
Attività che ti fanno piacere
Bicicletta, Vela / navigazione, Camping, Turismo a piedi, Danza, Altro, Sci o Snowboarding, Nuoto, Passeggiare, Sollevamento pesi, Surf / Windsurf
Sport che pratichi o guardi alla TV
Baseball, Pallacanestro, Bowling, Sport estremo, Sport olimpico, Tennis
Divertimenti che ti danno piacere
Bar/pubs, Concerti, Club di danza, Cena al ristorante, Cucina raffinata, Film, Museo/arte, Musica Classica, Musica Jazz, Musica Pop, Musica Rock, Lettura, Navigare sul web, Tv educativa/notizie, TV divertimenti, Degustazione del vino
I tuoi altri hobbies ed interessi
Antiquariato, Astrologia, Automobili, Lavoro manuale, Scrittura creativa, Famiglia/figli, Giardinaggio, Migliorie di casa, Investimenti, Pittura, Filosofia/spiritualita`, Fotografia, Viaggiare, Volontariato
Risposte ad alcune domande
Come ti descriveresti?
Hi, Glad you found me, perhaps I'm your needle in the Hay stack, and you are mine?!
I'm hoping to to find one, just one, great woman that is fun to be with, easy to laugh, intelligent, Smart, who is active in some ways in her life, and is looking for a creative outgoing and intelligent guy~!

I love to travel, enjoy music, the outdoors, The arts.
I love the sound of an acoustic guitar, and it usually inspires me to pick mine up and write something. I like hiking in the mountains, Skiing Lake Louise, bike rides. Those are the ones I do mostly, but I'm open to any kind of activity really, I usually pick it up quickly. In the past I've done and enjoyed many activities, from archery, Sailing, to Kayaking and basketball. Live music. Surfing, snorkelling. Or just relaxing at home, and enjoying good company, TV or a movie.
I also train in modern and historical martial arts, and I have a few gold medals for Longsword competition, in HEMA.

I have my eye on more natural foods these days, and eating healthy.

I'm creative guy, so I'm always coming up with ideas for things in my life, and often for other people as well, I like to brain storm ideas.
I've been getting back into my Graphic drawing The past year, and Writing. I'm good with my hands, and Handy, be that wood working, renovations, or more.

I'm hoping to find a woman who can bring the feminine back, share some wine, hear her gorgeous voice across the table in a candle lit restaurant, holding back the temptation to kiss her across the table…. are you kissable?

I like to talk about important topics too, the ones that are important to our world today for instance. Though my favourite people in life are the ones that I laugh easily with, and have a fun way of looking at the world around them. But its important to live wise, and with informed living.

Live in the Present, be informed by the past, and have a clear future, open to growth and innovation.

Travel is something I enjoy too, and would be great to find a partner, I'm pretty open when it comes to where I might go, though I have many places I'd like to see! Whats on your list?

I would love to meet an amazing woman, and yes, create a family together.

These days I'm busy in my job as a Sales Manager at a Major Home Furnishing Store, and also in my spare time, writing, Gardening, designing, and also working on some Real Estate I have.

If any of this resonates with you, I'd love to hear from you!
Looking forward to it!
Come descriveresti il tuo partner ideale?
Lovely, Nurturing, outgoing, generous in her attention. A great listener, conversationalist. Close to her family. An angel in my eyes, but challenges me in life as well. A great mother, lover, friend, confidant, understanding, loving. Feminine, but able to get out and do things. Enjoys many things that I do.
Se fra 30 giorni finisse il mondo, cosa vorresti fare?
If the whole world was going to end in 30 days, and was completely gone? I would travel the world and see as much as I could before it was gone. Making love, every morning, and every night. I would paint, write music, spend time by the Ocean.
Se trovassi 10 milioni di dollari come li spenderesti?
What wouldn't I do with it?!
Buy real estate. With 10 Million, you could control 40 million of property, which would bring me in millions of dollars in income annually!
Then I could make a different in the world, in many ways, and, do what ever I wanted!
Invested? = 10% a year, which is 1 million in income, just from investing it in the market. But properly invested in property, and the market? and you're looking at more like 2-4 Million per year income. Wealth makes wealth.  
Quanto spesso e a chi chiedi consiglio?
Anyone. Truth is, anyone can give you advice, they are outside of your box, and can see a unique view.
or at least a different view. Try it! However, mostly I figure out my needs and issues on my own.
Qual è il tratto caratteriale che apprezzi di più del tuo sesso?
Che tratto del carattere dell'altro sesso apprezzi di piu`?
Femininity, nurturing.
Che evento importante è successo ultimamente nella tua vita?
Starting a new Career. I am learning a lot about the business, and enjoying the interactions with people.
Che consiglio importante daresti ai tuoi figli?
Never give up on something you love in your life, for any reason, or for anyone.
Try, try, try, and then try again. Practice makes ok, more practice, makes good, even more practice makes excellent, and more practice means professional!
Cosa ti ha veramente impressionato?
1. Over population of our planet, which is stressing the planet, Animals, nature. Plastic explosion in our oceans, Over fishing... So many things. Very sad. The digression of the food supply, and how government has allowed chemicals, pesticides, Genetically Modified foods, to enter the food supply, and pose as food.
Quali libri hai letto ultimamente?
It was probably Historical. The 3 Musketeers. I have a large library.   I love to read! Learn and grow. To be transported in a book as well.
Quali sono i tuoi scopi nella vita oggi?
Find my Partner in life. Get back into recording my Music. To have my online retail business working. To author my books, to travel the world. to have a successful relationship.
Chi ammiri?
Laurence Gardner, Richard Branson, David Bowie, Chris Cornell, Gwyneth Paltrow
Hai molti amici?
I have a few
Quali tratti del carattere delle persone del tuo sesso non ti piacciono?
Che tratti del carattere della gente dell'altro sesso non ti piacciono?
Cattiness, flakiness, aloof, trying to be a man
Vorresti cambiare qualcosa in te stesso?
To not be single.
Quali sono i tuoi difetti?
TV, Ice Cream, Feminine woman.
Quali sono i tuoi pregi?
Dynamic personality, fortitude, intelligence, ability to assess a situation and take action, Many skills, Accomplishing things in detail.
Come ti vedono i tuoi amici?
With their eyes.   
Come ti vedono i tuoi conoscenti?
Quali sono i tuoi giochi preferiti?
I don't play games
Chi sono i tuoi scrittori e poeti preferiti?
Lawrence Gardner, Ahmed Osman, Eckhart Tolle, Jack Whyte, and many more
Quale genere di musica ti piace?
Most, if not all, except country, opera, and rap
Qual'è il tuo cibo preferito?
I enjoy most foods, but I am choosing more natural foods, and organic
Quali sono i tuoi film preferiti?
I love most kinds. I recently enjoyed "A Star is Born", and "Bohemian Rhapsody"
Quali sono le tue favole preferite?
Me meeting you and living happily ever after. ;0
Qual'è il tuo passatempo preferito?
many, Drawing, design, Skiing, cycling, mountain biking, TV, watching movies, Writing, Playing Guitar and singing, songwriting, Swordsmanship, hiking...
Qual'è il lavoro dei tuoi sogni?
Singer songwriter, and Author, internet entrepreneur
La (il) partner che sogno
Feminine, caring, nurturing in her heart, Intelligent, a bit adventurous, beautiful, great listener, conversationalist, loves to grow and learn
Dove vorresti vivere?
With the love of my life. Doesn't matter where, but I would love to live by the Ocean
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