*December 9, 2024 -currently in Europe for my winter vacation, if you want to meet, send me a note* I'm usually reading a book when I'm not working and love to travel. Visiting 28 countries since 2020 has totally changed how I see the world, hence my presence on this site to find a foreign partner who understands me better. Since I have my own consulting firm, I'm free to travel a couple times a year and I like to study languages. German and Russian are my priority, but I'm also learning latin and ancient greek for my doctoral program in classical history. No, I don't need the degree, I'm learning for fun. I've got two kids who are at university now, both studying history. I'm very excited about that!
I should add that I'm open to living in the country of the woman I meet on this site.
Hoe zou u uw ideale partner beschrijven?
I'd like a woman who's well read if not formally educated. She should like my kids, and be ok with me cooking. I cook in my kitchen. Unlike most men, I'm not looking for a house slave but a partner to enjoy life with.
Als u 10 miljoen dollars over heeft, wat zou u ermee doen?
Charity. I'd continue my charity work.
Hoe vaak en bij wie vraagt u om advies?
I used to turn to my history books or ask my dad, now I just ask ChatGPT!
Welke kwaliteiten waardeert u het meest in personen van uw geslacht?
Education is vital to the development of man. We have too few men and too many idiots.
Welke kwaliteiten waardeert u het meest in personen van het andere geslacht?
Class and sophistication.
Wat is een recent belangrijk gebeuren in uw leven en hoe heeft het u beinvloedt?
Traveling these last few years has changed me and my perspective on life and so has learning to speak Russian and German. My time spent making friends in other countries has shown me a whole new way to live and see the world.
Wat is het beste advies die u uw kinderen wilt geven?
Be kind, help others, and never surrender.
Wat maakte de grootste indruk (schok) op u?
Seeing the pyramids was a surprise.
Wat is uw laatst gelezen boek?
The Oxford History of Ancient Greece, Ancient Greek Literature, The Twelve Caesars
Waar streeft u naar ?
I'm building my businesses and continuing to improve myself.
Wie bewondert u?
I admire anyone with the courage to become more than what they are now.
Heeft u veel vrienden?
Welke kwaliteiten haat u het meest bij die van uw geslacht?
Weakness and stupidity
Welke kwaliteiten haat u het meest bij personen van het andere geslacht?
dishonesty, a rampant problem
Wat zou u bij uzelf willen veranderen?
To evolve is to change and to perfect is to change often.
Wat zijn uw zwakheden?
I have zero respect for people who don't educate themselves. I'm trying to be less of a snob about it.
Wat zijn uw sterke punten?
A desire to improve myself everyday. Communications is probably my superpower. I do great in media interviews and other appearances on radio or tv.
Hoe zien uw vrienden u?
I'm the one they rely on.
Wat zijn uw favoriet spellen?
Assassins Creed
Wat zijn uw favoriet schrijvers en dichters?
Leo Tolstoy, Manly Hall
Welke soorten muziek houdt u van?
Jazz, pop, classical
Wat is uw favoriete voedsel?
Indian Food - I love spicy food
Wat is uw favoriete film?
Star Trek, Back to the Future
Wat is uw favoriet sprookje?
There story about how the handsome American meet a beautiful foreign woman.
Wat is uw favoriete activiteit of hobby?
Reading, hiking, planning revenge against my enemies, cooking... the usual hobbies
Wat is uw droomjob?
Global Emperor
Vertel over uw droompartner.
Kind, likes to read, likes to travel, good sense of humor and fun to talk to.
Waar wenst u te leven?
I want to live on a quiet beach.
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